Memlo is our highly specialised alcohol reduction and removal service, and is an accurate and non-invasive method of crafting low to zero-alcohol wines – an expanding sector in an increasingly health-conscious market. Along with our ‘sweet spotting’ trialling service, delicately fine-tuning the balance of wine has never been more achievable.
An upcoming development in the Memlo range will soon allow vintners to remove alcohol entirely from their product.
Memlo technology uses both controlled vacuum and temperature to separate and concentrate the aroma fraction from the wine and then remove the alcohol. The specialised design and PLC control ensures the highest quality on the market, and the Memlo system removes as much as 99.5% alcohol in a single pass, reducing handling of the product. The closed loop design ensures minimal volume loss of wine and only alcohol is extracted, and the process can continue automatically until the desired alcohol level is reached.
Our newest development, a 1,000 litre an hour bespokely designed and constructed alcohol correction and alcohol removal product.
EnquireOur process is an accurate and non-invasive method of removing alcohol and crafting low to zero-alcohol wines (sub 5%), without sacrificing quality
Alcohol RemovalMemLo is a world leading distillery in Barossa, South Australia. A global leader in the process of low alcohol wine with custom machinery to enable the highest wine quality for the global market. The state of the art facility houses the unique MemLo equipment to service the wine industry.
Contact VAF Memstar today about our diverse range of filtration and processing services, available in a range of capacities and mobilities.